All Healing Medicine Buddha | Full Gold Style | Ritual Thanka
Code: 11133

All Healing Medicine Buddha

Size / Weight: 16 x 21 inches, 40 x 53 cms /
Material: Pure 24 Carat Gold,Gouache and acrylic colors on Cotton Canvas


  • Jun 26

  • Jun 28 - Jun 30

  • Jul 2 - Jul 4


Medicine buddha or the healing buddha is said to dispense spiritual medicine when properly worshipped. It is even believed that an efficacious cure may be accomplished by merely touching the image. His right hand holds a branch of myrobalan plant and it is  in the varadamudra posture or the giving gesture.  His left hand is on his lap, holding a lapis lazuli pindapatra or a container containing medicines.

The Buddha has a long- lobed ears , and curly hair . He wears a monastic robe , and is seated cross—legged . The blue or lapis lazuli color of the body symbolizes that he accepts all the diseases and sickness of  all suffering beings himself. The plant myrobalan represents the medicine, which heals all the sicknesses of sentient beings.


According to the ancient  Medical sutra  or text , he made 12 great vows before his attainment of Buddhahood. The important vows are as follows  :

  1. to eliminate sickness from all living beings and
  2. Make them feel easy and happy in order to attain Buddhahood and
  3. To liberate beings from disaster and calamities.


It is said that the land of Buddha Bhaisajya is entirely pure and is paved with lapis lazuli.The cities,buildings and palaces are made of seven jewels . In that land the sentient beings do no commit any evil deeds;hence there is no lower realm.               


In the Tibetan medical tradition, Medicine Buddha is said to be the source of all medical treatises.This Buddha is invoked for  the elimination of disasters and sickness of all kinds.

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5 Reviews
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Beautiful thanka of exquisite quality.

First, the owner of RitualThanka, Bipin, from whom I purchased the truly incredible quality art work of Samantabhadra and Samantabhadri, was clearly communicative and most helpful in my receiving the custom Thanka, well packaged and very quickly shipped. I plan to work with him in future purchases of these wonderfully 'energetic' pieces of art.

Beautiful thangka! Very high quality, just as described. Arrived quickly and carefully packaged. Wonderful and communicative seller. Thank you!

My item arrived in excellent condition and I am extremely satisfied with my purchase. Shipping was fast and protected my item very well. The artistry is amazing and I highly recommend spending a little extra for silk brocade. You will not be disappointed with any item you may wish to acquire!

Artwork quality is exceptional and appreciated.

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