Amitayus Buddha Statue | Buddha Decor | Longevity and Inner Peace | Vintage Collectibles | Bringing Prosperity and Harmony | Zen Buddhism | Statues & Ritual Items | Ritual Thanka
Code: 2371EB

Amitayus Buddha Statue | Buddha Decor | Longevity and Inner Peace | Vintage Collectibles | Bringing Prosperity and Harmony | Zen Buddhism

Size / Weight: 15cm x 20cm /


Free Shipping

  • Jun 28

  • Jun 30 - Jul 2

  • Jul 4 - Jul 6


Buddha Amitayus Statue
About Our Statue:

Allow me to introduce the captivating Buddha Amitayus Statue, a vintage masterpiece meticulously handcrafted on a lustrous copper medium. This statue carries the essence of antiquity, embodying the rich history and profound spirituality that has traversed time. The intricate details of the statue's form, from the serene countenance to the flowing robes, are a testament to the skill of its creators and the depth of their devotion. Each curve and contour tells a story of reverence, and the copper body exudes a timeless allure that draws you into its presence. With a history that spans generations, this Buddha Amitayus Statue stands as a symbol of wisdom, compassion, and the profound journey of spiritual enlightenment.

Introduction To Amitayus:

Amitayus, often known as "The Buddha of Endless Life," is a sambhogakaya aspect of Amitabha, commonly linked with longevity. He is frequently depicted reclining and holding a vase with the nectar of immortality. One of the three gods of immortality, Amitayus is one of the three gods of immortality.
Size: 20cm (Height) x 15cm (Base)
Weight: 1.294 kg
How do you take care of your statues?

• Place them at room temperature, avoiding direct sunlight.
• Make sure that the area where your statue is placed is completely free of moisture and dust.
• Place it at the highest place on your altar after being consecrated by Lama/monks. The best practice is to keep them covered inside a
glass cabinet.
• Do not use your bare hands or any objects with a rough surface to wipe the face. Directly touching with the bare hand objects can
smudge the face, leaving scratches.

-Free Shipping
-Standard Courier Services
-4-10 business days for delivery
-All items are insured
Return Policy:
-Returns are accepted within 60 business days.
-You can ship either to Nepal or Texas (USA), whichever works better for you.
We will be more than happy to answer all your questions.
Please contact us to:
- Custom order a thangka of any Vajrayana deity. Usually, it takes 2-5 months (depending on complexity) to finish such a thangka of average size.

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5 Reviews
Write Review

I visited the premises in Boudha in person. Its not just next to the stupa like many shops but a little way away and easy to find with Googlemaps - just ask locals when you get there as they didn't have an obvious sign, at least when I visited. They have modern studios, workshops and a salesroom all in the same buildng. Bipin was very helpful and I examined several bhavacakra thankas before settling for a beautifully detailed one. The brocade was added in a day or two and the final thanka was delivered to my hotel very carefully and robustly packaged. I was very happy with the thankas I bought and very happy with the service, Definitely recommended!





An exquisite and rare piece of art in the admiration of Goddess Palden Lhamo. Its mesmerising beauty is simply enchanting. I just can't stop appreciating the artisan, who hand painted this fine piece of art, which would have taken months to complete . My personal thanks to the artisan and the seller for making this rare and precious item available all over the world. I hope there will be more beautiful items like this, depicting Goddess Palden Lhamo will be available in future as items related to the Goddess Palden Lhamo are quite rare.

Love it so much thank you!

Love it so much thank you!

The thangka was even more beautiful than I expected based on the photos! The seller was very responsive and helpful too.

Great Thangka. One the best I'v ever purchased!

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