Chengrezig Thangka | Full Gold Style | Ritual Thanka
Code: 13037

Chengrezig Thangka

Size / Weight: 12 x 9 inches / 200
Material: Pure 24 Carat Gold,Gouache and acrylic colors on Cotton Canvas


  • Jun 29

  • Jul 1 - Jul 3

  • Jul 5 - Jul 7


This form of Avalokiteshvara is widely used for devotional practice for the followers of Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism. His six syllabled mantra “ Om mani pad me hum” is the household mantra for all Buddhists all around the world.

He has four hands, the first two pressed together at his heart makes Anjalimudra (Adamant form). He holds a wish-fulfilling jewel, indicating that he has a mind of great compassion. He is adorned with silk and jewels and he wears an upper garment of an antelope skin signifying his compassionate and gentle nature. In his left hand, he holds a blue lotus flower and a crystal rosary with his right hand.

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very good

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Beautiful item! Very quick delivery and excellent customer service. Definitely recommend.

Vendeur au petit soin, réactif dans les échanges. L'article correspond à ma demande. Je n'hésiterais pas à commander de nouveau

Exceptional, thank you! Beautifully done! 10/10 will order again Imma

Beautiful thanka of exquisite quality.