Chenrezig, White Tara and Green Tara Thangka | Buddha and Boddhisattvas | Ritual Thanka
Code: 51508

Chenrezig, White Tara and Green Tara Thangka

Size / Weight: 21.2 x 26.7 inches, 54 x 68 cm / 500 gms
Material: Pure 24 Carat Gold,Gouache and acrylic colors on Cotton Canvas

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  • Jun 26 - Jun 28

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Chenrezig, White Tara and Green Tara: Three in One Thangka Painting

In this thangka painting, Green Tara or Dolma, a female Buddhist deity linked to enlightened activity and abundance is seated in a playful posture. She is revered as the great liberator who all rescues beings from the eight great fears aroused by elephants, lions, snakes, robbers, fire, water, demons, and the government. 

In her hands, she is holding utpala flowers, symbolizing her purity. Her color is green because her bodhisattva activity is swift like the wind element. Her right hand is in the Varadamudra because she is quick to respond to the petitions of those who seek her aid. She is adorned with five jewels on her crown symbolizing the Dhyani Five Buddhas. 

Born from the tears of Avalokiteshvara, she embodies compassionate and action-oriented Bodhisattva or Buddha. Revering Green Tara helps elevate physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. 

In the central part of the painting, we see White Tara, placed between Green Tara and Avalokitesvara creating an illusion of space. This painting also illustrates the birth of White Tara and Green Tara. 

White Tara who is born from the teardrop of Chenrezig’s right eye, is revered for long life. She blesses people with long life so that they can spend gathering merits to get to the higher realms. 

Avalokitesvara, who is also revered as Chenrezig translates to "The one who looks with an unwavering eye". Chenrezig is revered as the embodiment of the compassion of all Buddhas devoted to freeing all sentient beings from the circle of Samsara.

Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara is depicted with multiple arms. In this thangka painting, Chenrezig is depicted with four arms. His multiple arms represent his commitment to helping as many people as possible.

His first two hands at the front hold a Chintamani. Likewise, his upper right-hand holds akshamala (beads). Further, his upper left-hand holds a lotus symbolizing the virtue and his compassion to free all beings. Finally, Bodhisattva is seen wearing silk garments, and his legs and seated on a row of lotus petals.

 As Avalokitesvara is a bodhisattva of compassion, who brought White Tara and Green Tara into existence, he is portrayed in the upper-right space of this thangka painting.

About this Thangka Painting

This is a Newari-style thangka painting consist three icons (Green Tara, White Tara, and  Chenrezig). The artist has placed these three figures in a beautiful surrounding landscape above a muddy bank of a brook where multiple lotuses are blooming. 

This blooming flower represents being unaffected by the samsara despite living in it. Likewise, the sky in the background has a wide mixture of red, blue, and brown colors which has added a profound divinity to the painting.

Size: 21"/ 53 cm (width) x 26 x 66 cm (height)
Materials: Cotton Canvas, Acrylic Colors, Genuine 24K Gold

-Not mounted on a traditional brocade
-Tibetan Silk brocade is available in a variety of colors and quality
-Price ranges from $35 to $100 depending upon the silk quality
-Additional 3 business days for this service

-Free Shipping
-Standard Courier Services
-4-10 business days for delivery
-All items are insured
Return Policy:
-Returns are accepted within 60 business days.
-You can ship either to Nepal or Texas (USA), whichever works better for you.
We will be more than happy to answer all your questions.
Please contact us to:
- Custom order a thangka of any Vajrayana deity. Usually, it takes 2-5 months (depending on complexity) to finish such a thangka of average size.

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5 Reviews
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Absolutely stunning and authentic!!!

Looks great, and sent on time! Very fair in dealing with me. I won't hesitate to use this seller next time.

The work, the effort, the art is extraordinary! The details are fantastic! It's almost like a 3d effect. I can't find words to express how happy I am with the Vajrasattva Thangka and how much I love it. Contact with the team was so great from the start. Their kindness and care for the customer is amazing. Thank you Ritual Thanka for your kindness, amazing work and so beautiful art.

I am so happy that I found this shop and their exquisite thangkas..The communication with me and responses to my questions was excellent, and they did a wonderful job with the brocade. I am posting a photo of the final result. I highly recommend this shop and their sacred offerings.

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