Colorful Yamantaka /Vajrabhairava Mandala surrounded by dharmapalas | Deity Mandalas | Ritual Thanka
Code: 571

Colorful Yamantaka /Vajrabhairava Mandala surrounded by dharmapalas

Size / Weight: 28 x 36.5 inches, 71 x 93 cms / 500 gms
Material: Pure 24 Carat Gold,Gouache and acrylic colors on Cotton Canvas


  • Jun 29

  • Jul 1 - Jul 3

  • Jul 5 - Jul 7


The deity Yamantaka , as the name suggests , is terrifying to behold . It is said that he is the emanation of the Boddhisattva  Manjushree . He has eight heads . The principal head is that of a bull or a buffalo . He has 34 arms and sixteen feet with which to subdue Yama . Above the eight heads is the gentle face of golden – colored Manjushri .

His two principal hands hold a skull cup and vajra  cleaver . His legs are bunched together . He wears a garland of fifty severed heads , symbolizing fifty Sanskrit vowels and consonants or seed syllables , and a crown of five skulls , symbolizing his perfection in the wisdom of five Buddhas . His body is deep blue in color , symbolizing his wisdom  which is as vast as space . His two horns symbolize the two truths ; his sixteen legs symbolize sixteen types of emptiness . His thirty – four arms plus body , speech and mind symbolize the Thirty – seven factors of enlightenment . He is naked because he has abandoned all the concerns of the worldly mind .

Under his right foot is a human being and various animals , signifying his mastery over the eight siddhis , under his left foot are many birds and animals , symbolizing his mastery over the uncommon siddhis .

In his right hand he holds a curved knife , a dart , a wooden pestle , a fish – knife , a harpoon , an axe , a spear , an arrow , a hook , a skull club , a khatvang , a discus , a vajra , a vajra hammer , a sword , and a drum .  

In his left hands he holds a skull cup filled with blood , the head of Brahma , a shield , a leg , a lasso , a bow , intestines , a bell , a hand , a shroud , a person impaled on a stick , a brazier , a scalp , a threatening mudra , trident , and a  fan for making fire offering .

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5 Reviews
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First, I want to say that customer service is more than 100 points and was so good! I bought two higher-quality thangkas, and the quality of the brocade is so unique. Of course, the thangkas are so beautiful. I would 100% recommend it to all my best thangka friends. I wish Ritual Thanka all the best.

Great service by Ritual Thanka, loved the communication and fast delivery.

This original Hand painted Mandala thangka blessed by Shakyamuni Buddha is, indeed, a high quality thangka. I feel blessed to have it in my home.

Truly sublime thankga from Ritual Thanka. Beautiful and unique. Always a pleasure buying for Ritual Thanka. Shipment arrived in a timely manner.

I am delighted with this thankga! It is absolutely beautiful. Working with Ritual Thankga was a delightful experience. Responces to queries were very quick and extremely informative. The shipping was prompt and the thankga was received as quickly as expected. Overall, this is a tremendous painting that has exceptional detail and fantastic colors. Thanks to Ritual Thankga for a wonderful experience. Highly recommended!

I purchased this image based on a single photograph, but was astonished when I unpacked it because it was so much more detailed than the picture showed. This is one of the most exceptional images of Black Mahakala I have seen in person. There are so many little details, such as the tiny colored crystals set in His jewelry and costume. I am completely satisfied and exhilarated with my purchase, and will definitely continue to purchase from this seller.

This devotional statue of Shakyamuni Buddha is exceptional in every detail, and radiates with a spiritual grace and presence that makes it an ideal focal point for meditation practice and devotion. I am more than satisfied with the very high level of customer service I have received with this purchase, which was shipped very quickly and arrived safely. I will continue to purchase from this seller.🙏

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