Green Tara Thangka | Buddha and Boddhisattvas | Ritual Thanka
Code: 42317

Green Tara Thangka

Size / Weight: 19x14inches, 48x36 cms /
Material: Pure 24 Carat Gold,Gouache and acrylic colors on Cotton Canvas


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  • Jun 27

  • Jun 29 - Jul 1

  • Jul 3 - Jul 5


Green Tara or Dolma is often known as the great liberator who rescues beings from the eight great fears aroused by elephants, lions, snakes, robbers, fire, water, demons, and the government. She is one of the bodhisattvas that Avalokiteshvara created from a drop of his tear.


In this painting, Green Tara is seated in a playful posture. Her right hand is in the Varadamudra because she is quick to respond to the petitions of those who seek her aid. She is adorned with five jewels symbolizing the Dhyani Five Buddhas. In both her hands she is holding utpala flowers, symbolizing her purity. Her color is green because her bodhisattva activity is swift like the wind element. On the bottom part of the painting, Manjushree and Vajrapani is portrayed in devotional postures. They gaze at the deity eagerly as if they are making a petition to protect the world. Buddha Aparmita is seen at the top center panel of the painting. The artist has placed the whole in a beautiful surrounding landscape of forest, brooks, and mountains. A light brown sky on the background has added profundity to the message of the painting.

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5 Reviews
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hello world



very good

<img src="">

Thank you Ritual Thangka for your amazing work and wonderful warm communication. I'm very grateful for these beautiful pieces of artwork, and so proud to have the two Thangkas adorning my shrine room. They are both spectacular, but this Avalokitesvara (my favourite) is even more magnificent than I could have imagined! I'm also amazed that you got it to me so quickly and safely, despite the pandemic. Thank you!

So gorgeous and well made. A fine piece of work by the Thangka team - thank you.

Wow this Thangka is gorgeous. It is difficult shopping online and choosing brocade but the Thangka team were great And very patient with me. The quality of art work and sewing is incredible. I would recommend strongly that you buy from this shop as you could not do better! 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐘𝐨𝐮 to everyone who made it.

Beautiful, vibrant colors with highly detailed images

I really appreciated the communications with the good people at ritualthanka, they offered excellent customer service and helped me navigate this meaningful purchase. Further, the thangka itself is magnificent and placed on a perfectly suited brocade. I strongly recommend thangkas from ritualthanka, such a rare combination of quality and sincere customer service.

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