Shakyamuni ,Medicine ,Amitabha , Chengrezig , Manjusri ,Green Tara , Vajrapani , Vajrasattva Yab Yum , Sariputra | Buddha and Boddhisattvas | Ritual Thanka
Code: 51112

Shakyamuni ,Medicine ,Amitabha , Chengrezig , Manjusri ,Green Tara , Vajrapani , Vajrasattva Yab Yum , Sariputra

Size / Weight: 36x26inches, 92x66 cms / 700 GMS
Material: Pure 24 Carat Gold,Gouache and acrylic colors on Cotton Canvas


Free Shipping

  • Jul 3

  • Jul 5 - Jul 7

  • Jul 9 - Jul 11


Original Handpainted Shakyamuni Buddha Thangka
Size:36x26 inches/66x91 cms

Shakyamuni Buddha was born in 527 B.C . He was the son of King Sudhodana and Queen Maya Devi . Shakyamuni Buddha was known before attaining enlightenment as Siddhartha or Gautama .
Buddha Shakyamuni is mostly seen at the centre seated on a thousand petal lotus throne .The lotus plant symbolizes his purity and serene nature .He is portrayed meditating in the earth—touching gesture holding an alms bowl with his left hand on top of his lap. He is yellow in color and wears a robe .

When Shakyamuni Buddha was on the verge of Perfect enlightenment ,he had to face both internal and external Maras (Temptations ).It is believed that Devaputra Mara questioned him on the validity of his attainment of Enlightenment and his perfection .At that time, his only witness was mother earth. Buddha Shakyamuni asked mother earth to bear witness to his attainment of paramita or perfection. To indicate this, he touched the earth with his right hand as witness to his perfection.This form of Buddha depicts this incident.

If you want this thangka to be framed with traditional
Tibetan brocade, kindly relay your information, cost for brocading would be 70 USD To 200 USD depending upon the quality of the fabric used in the brocade.
Please allow 3 - 4 additional business days.


-Free Shipping
-Standard Courier Services
-4-10 business days for delivery
-All items are insured
Return Policy:
-Returns are accepted within 60 business days.
-You can ship either to Nepal or Texas (USA), whichever works better for you.
We will be more than happy to answer all your questions.
Please contact us to:
- Custom order a thangka of any Vajrayana deity. Usually, it takes 2-5 months (depending on complexity) to finish such a thangka of average size.

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5 Reviews
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hello world



very good

<img src="">

This is one of the most beautiful artworks I’ve ever seen. Such detailing, much wow!

Beautiful artwork! Thank you so very much!

Excellent- the paintings are beautiful and exactly as listed in the photos! The communication was great! I will definitely buy again from this seller!

Beautiful Thangka paintings- exactly as in the photos, top fast delivery! Excellent communication! Will definitely buy again from this seller!

I have been blessed to procure most of my Thangkas in Asia so it is an amazing experience to be able to shop online and trust the quality. The owner of the shop is unbelievably helpful and very responsive to any questions. The Thangka arrived in the time promised and very well protected in the packaging. I am very excited to be gently allowing it to unfurl and find a new home on my wall to bless all that pass before it. Om

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