Standing Buddha | Handcarved Buddha Statue | Religious Decorative Object | Traditional Original Himalayan Art of Nepal | Statues & Ritual Items | Ritual Thanka
Code: 1031EB

Standing Buddha | Handcarved Buddha Statue | Religious Decorative Object | Traditional Original Himalayan Art of Nepal

Size / Weight: 17x7 cm /


Free Shipping

  • Jun 25

  • Jun 27 - Jun 29

  • Jul 1 - Jul 3


Standing Buddha

This is a vintage handcrafted statue of Shakyamuni Buddha will work as a valuable decor piece to enhance your home or workspace. Buddhist figures use hand and body movements to communicate.

In this statue art, the right hand of Shakyamuni Buddha extends down to touch the ground. This gesture marks the time he summoned the earth to witness his transcendence of the realms of Mara, the supreme God of the world (samsara), who had attempted to draw his attention away from his meditation. As a result of Shakyamuni's achievement of Buddhahood, the earth rocked and shook. Shakyamuni's left-hand rests on his lap and holds his alms bowl in a meditative posture.
Size: 17cm(Height) and 7cm(Base)
Weight:0.490 kg

-Free Shipping
-Standard Courier Services
-4-10 business days for delivery
-All items are insured
Return Policy:
-Returns are accepted within 60 business days.
-You can ship either to Nepal or Texas (USA), whichever works better for you.
We will be more than happy to answer all your questions.

Standing Buddha

This is a vintage handcrafted statue of Shakyamuni Buddha will work as a valuable decor piece to enhance your home or workspace. Buddhist figures use hand and body movements to communicate.

In this statue art, the right hand of Shakyamuni Buddha extends down to touch the ground. This gesture marks the time he summoned the earth to witness his transcendence of the realms of Mara, the supreme God of the world (samsara), who had attempted to draw his attention away from his meditation. As a result of Shakyamuni's achievement of Buddhahood, the earth rocked and shook. Shakyamuni's left-hand rests on his lap and holds his alms bowl in a meditative posture.
Size: 17cm(Height) and 7cm(Base)
Weight:0.490 kg

-Free Shipping
-Standard Courier Services
-4-10 business days for delivery
-All items are insured
Return Policy:
-Returns are accepted within 60 business days.
-You can ship either to Nepal or Texas (USA), whichever works better for you.
We will be more than happy to answer all your questions.

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5 Reviews
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First, I want to say that customer service is more than 100 points and was so good! I bought two higher-quality thangkas, and the quality of the brocade is so unique. Of course, the thangkas are so beautiful. I would 100% recommend it to all my best thangka friends. I wish Ritual Thanka all the best.

Great service by Ritual Thanka, loved the communication and fast delivery.

Seller was very kind to photoshop up three different brocade options with an image of the paining before purchase. Really helped me choose the brocade that would go best with the painting. I appreciate the time and effort the seller put into getting a perfect match. The tailoring only took 48 hours and the item was sent quickly. Arrived two days ahead of schedule too. A beautiful work of art and a very easeful transaction. Thank you.

Was in touch with seller pre-purchase and the responses were quick, thorough, and very helpful. Item shipped quickly, was very well packaged and arrived two days ahead of schedule. This thangka is gorgeous. Very high quality, detailed. Great seller, great service, and a unique piece of art.

Wonderful1 Looks amazing! Thank You!

très beau ,identique à la photo

Incredibly beautiful artwork. Far exceeded my expectations. Great customer service too. Super fast delivery.

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