Standing White Tara depicted in Black and white colors in Nevari Style Thangka | Black and White Thangkas | Ritual Thanka
Code: 47868

Standing White Tara depicted in Black and white colors in Nevari Style Thangka

Size / Weight: 11.5 x 16.5 inches, 29 x 42 cms / 500
Material: Gouache and acrylic colors on Cotton Canvas


  • May 16

  • May 18 - May 20

  • May 22 - May 24


The White Tara or “White Saioress” is said to have born from a tear of the Bodhisattva of compassion. She holds a very prominent position in Tibet.

Here White Tara is seen seated on a lotus throne. Her body is white and she is seated in the Vajra posture. Her left hand, which is placed on her heart, holds the stem of a blossoming lotus beside her left shoulder. Her right hand is in Varadamudra, Symbolising supreme generosity. She is wearing all six ornament and looks like a beautiful sixteen-year-old maiden. She has seven eyes, two in the palms of her hand, two in soles of her feet and one in her forehead.

In this beautiful Thangka painting we can see the two Boddhisattvas on the bottom part of the painting and the exquisite scenery in the background adds up to White Tara’s beauty. In the middle part of bottom register lies the offering substance along with auspicious symbols.

The practice of White Tara is basically performed in order to attain prolonged life as well as for healing purpose. It is said that because Arya Tara is the collective manifestation of the enlightened activity of all Buddhas, her Sadhana is easily accomplished. Reciting her mantra merely a thousand times brings good luck and causes aversion of hindrances.

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5 Reviews
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Amazed by their customer service and collection. Would definitely recommend them to everyone

Really Great Customer Service and very beautiful thangka collection.

This is a magnificent piece of Buddha Shakyamuni thangka. Masterfully executed in rich, vibrant colors with illuminating detail; The silk brocade frame compliments the painting beautifully and forms a focal point in our praying/meditation room I receive the piece earlier than expected in good shape; and prior to purchase, Rajendra was responding quickly and very helpful in providing high resolution picture for my further evaluation. Thank you Rajendra and surely I will be back again.

I was extremely pleased with the quality of the unique thangka I received, as well as the immaculate brocade. Communication with Ritual Thanka has been a pleasure, and shipping was faster than I could have hoped for. Six stars! :)

This is my second purchase - and it will not be my last. Service is fast and efficient. My first thanka came incredibly well packaged.

An exquisite and rare piece of art in the admiration of Goddess Palden Lhamo. Its mesmerising beauty is simply enchanting. I just can't stop appreciating the artisan, who hand painted this fine piece of art, which would have taken months to complete . My personal thanks to the artisan and the seller for making this rare and precious item available all over the world. I hope there will be more beautiful items like this, depicting Goddess Palden Lhamo will be available in future as items related to the Goddess Palden Lhamo are quite rare.

Love it so much thank you!

Love it so much thank you!

The thangka was even more beautiful than I expected based on the photos! The seller was very responsive and helpful too.

Great Thangka. One the best I'v ever purchased!

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