Tibetan Handmade Gongs, Yoga Design, High Quality Design | Statues & Ritual Items | Ritual Thanka
Code: HME25814

Tibetan Handmade Gongs, Yoga Design, High Quality Design

Size / Weight: 30cm /


Free Shipping

  • May 17

  • May 19 - May 21

  • May 23 - May 25



A gong is an East and Southeast Asian musical percussion instrument that takes the form of a flat, circular metal disc which is hit with a mallet. The gong traces its roots back to the Bronze Age around 3500 BC. The term gong originated in Java. Scientific and archaeological research has established that Burma, China, Java and Annam were the four main gong manufacturing centres of the ancient world. The gong later found its way into the Western World in the 18th century when it was also used in the percussion section of a Western-style symphony orchestra. A form of bronze cauldron gong known as a resting bell was widely used in ancient Greece and Rome, for instance in the famous Oracle of Dodona, where disc gongs were also used.

Size: 30cm
Weight:1059 gram
Material: Machine made and 24k gold electroplated
-We offer free shipping.
-Standard Courier Services DHL only
-4-10 business days for delivery
-All items are insured
Return Policy:
-Returns are accepted within 14 business days.

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5 Reviews
Write Review

Amazed by their customer service and collection. Would definitely recommend them to everyone

Really Great Customer Service and very beautiful thangka collection.

This is a magnificent piece of Buddha Shakyamuni thangka. Masterfully executed in rich, vibrant colors with illuminating detail; The silk brocade frame compliments the painting beautifully and forms a focal point in our praying/meditation room I receive the piece earlier than expected in good shape; and prior to purchase, Rajendra was responding quickly and very helpful in providing high resolution picture for my further evaluation. Thank you Rajendra and surely I will be back again.

I was extremely pleased with the quality of the unique thangka I received, as well as the immaculate brocade. Communication with Ritual Thanka has been a pleasure, and shipping was faster than I could have hoped for. Six stars! :)

This is my second purchase - and it will not be my last. Service is fast and efficient. My first thanka came incredibly well packaged.

An exquisite and rare piece of art in the admiration of Goddess Palden Lhamo. Its mesmerising beauty is simply enchanting. I just can't stop appreciating the artisan, who hand painted this fine piece of art, which would have taken months to complete . My personal thanks to the artisan and the seller for making this rare and precious item available all over the world. I hope there will be more beautiful items like this, depicting Goddess Palden Lhamo will be available in future as items related to the Goddess Palden Lhamo are quite rare.

Love it so much thank you!

Love it so much thank you!

The thangka was even more beautiful than I expected based on the photos! The seller was very responsive and helpful too.

Great Thangka. One the best I'v ever purchased!

Whoops, looks like something went wrong.

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