Vajrasattva With Black and Gold Details | Traditional Tibetan Dorje Sempa Thangka Painting | Buddha and Boddhisattvas | Ritual Thanka
Code: 50258

Vajrasattva With Black and Gold Details | Traditional Tibetan Dorje Sempa Thangka Painting

Size / Weight: 29x20inches, 74x51 cms /
Material: Gouache and acrylic colors on Cotton Canvas


Free Shipping

  • Jul 1

  • Jul 3 - Jul 5

  • Jul 7 - Jul 9


Vajrasattva With Black and Gold Details:

In Tibetan Buddhism, Vajrasattva is a significant figure, particularly in Vajrayana, known for helping people clean up their inner messes, such as bad thoughts, mean words, and selfish actions. He holds a shiny metal stick and a bell, symbolizing his purity and kindness. The stick acts as a magic wand, while the bell reminds people to be smart and kind. Vajrasattva's bright white robe symbolizes his purity. He is part of a family of Buddhas, helping people see things clearly, like wiping fog off a mirror. A special chant is performed to call on Vajrasattva, a magic spell that clears away bad thoughts and makes people feel peaceful and happy inside.

Decorate your home with a thangka of Vajrasattva to bring peace, purity, and positive energy. Vajrasattva's Thangka reminds you of his compassionate presence and purifying negativity. It creates a sacred atmosphere for meditation and spiritual practice. The aesthetic beauty of the thangka enhances the ambiance, adding a touch of traditional artistry and cultural richness.

Size: 20"/ 50 cm (width) x 29"/ 74 cm (height)
Materials: Cotton Canvas, Acrylic Colors, Genuine 24K Gold

-Not mounted on a traditional brocade
-Tibetan Silk brocade is available in a variety of colors and quality
-Price ranges from $35 to $100 depending upon the silk quality
-Additional 3 business days for this service
-Free Shipping
-Standard Courier Services
-4-10 business days for delivery
-All items are insured
Return Policy:
-Returns are accepted within 60 business days.
-You can ship to Nepal or Texas (USA), whichever works for you.
We will be more than happy to answer all your questions.
Don't hesitate to get in touch with us at:
- Custom order a thangka of any Vajrayana deity. Usually, it takes 2-5 months (depending on complexity) to finish such a thangka of average size.

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5 Reviews
Write Review

I visited the premises in Boudha in person. Its not just next to the stupa like many shops but a little way away and easy to find with Googlemaps - just ask locals when you get there as they didn't have an obvious sign, at least when I visited. They have modern studios, workshops and a salesroom all in the same buildng. Bipin was very helpful and I examined several bhavacakra thankas before settling for a beautifully detailed one. The brocade was added in a day or two and the final thanka was delivered to my hotel very carefully and robustly packaged. I was very happy with the thankas I bought and very happy with the service, Definitely recommended!





Ein wunderschönes Bild. Habe große Freude! Die Lieferung erfolgte prompt.

This Kalachakra thangka was incredibly affordable and I can't believe the amount of detail I see! It's absolutely gorgeous! The prompt and courteous customer service, fast shipping and packaging is fantastic. This seller is great! A+!👍

Very nice and beautiful Fast delivery

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