Vintage Mandala of Buddha | Original Hand Painted Thangka Painting | Wall Decoration Painting | Mandalas | Ritual Thanka
Code: 4258@

Vintage Mandala of Buddha | Original Hand Painted Thangka Painting | Wall Decoration Painting

Size / Weight: 11x12 inches /


Free Shipping

  • Jun 29

  • Jul 1 - Jul 3

  • Jul 5 - Jul 7


Mandala of Buddha

Mandala literally means a circle . The tibetan word for madala is Kyilkhor , which means “centre and surrounding environment .” In simple terms it is a circle used as a visual aid for concentration and introversive meditation . Meditating using a mandala leads to the attainment of insights and it helps to increase one’s level of concentration . It also helps to activate forces within oneself which culminates into “Siddhi ” or super – natural forces . The mandala is the graphic representation of this process . It is not only theoretical but practical as an operational scheme involving a clear plan for practical realization of the process within oneself . It thus becomes an instrument ( Yantra ) . It is believed that by just looking at a mandala one’s soul is spiritually purified. Thus , a mandala represents the palace of purity a magic circle cleansed of spiritual obstacles and impurities . The square of the sacred palace is enclosed in multiple circles of flame, vajra and lotus . These three circles forming the outer rims of the mandala symbolizes enlightenment , which the meditating person must gain , before he or she can enter the illuminated palace . The mandala then consists of the inner square where the deity of the mandala resides .


The outer most circle or the fire circle also known as the Fire of wisdom

Consists of the purifying fire . The diamond circle or the vajra circle expresses strength and fearlessness and finally the lotus circle expresses the open state of devotion , that is necessary to enter the palace . These three elements denotes the state of mind that the follower or the person meditating must possess before practicing the dharma .
Size: 11"/28 cm (width) x 12"/30 cm (height)
Materials: Cotton Canvas, Acrylic Colors, Genuine 24K Gold

-Not mounted on a traditional brocade
-Tibetan Silk brocade is available in a variety of colors and quality
-Price ranges from $35 to $100 depending upon the silk quality
-Additional 3 business days for this service
-Free Shipping
-Standard Courier Services
-4-10 business days for delivery
-All items are insured
Return Policy:
-Returns are accepted within 60 business days.
-You can ship either to Nepal or Texas (USA), whichever works better for you.
We will be more than happy to answer all your questions.
Please contact us to:
- Custom order a thangka of any Vajrayana deity. Usually, it takes 2-5 months (depending on complexity) to finish such a thangka of average size.

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5 Reviews
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First, I want to say that customer service is more than 100 points and was so good! I bought two higher-quality thangkas, and the quality of the brocade is so unique. Of course, the thangkas are so beautiful. I would 100% recommend it to all my best thangka friends. I wish Ritual Thanka all the best.

Great service by Ritual Thanka, loved the communication and fast delivery.

This original Hand painted Mandala thangka blessed by Shakyamuni Buddha is, indeed, a high quality thangka. I feel blessed to have it in my home.

Truly sublime thankga from Ritual Thanka. Beautiful and unique. Always a pleasure buying for Ritual Thanka. Shipment arrived in a timely manner.

I am delighted with this thankga! It is absolutely beautiful. Working with Ritual Thankga was a delightful experience. Responces to queries were very quick and extremely informative. The shipping was prompt and the thankga was received as quickly as expected. Overall, this is a tremendous painting that has exceptional detail and fantastic colors. Thanks to Ritual Thankga for a wonderful experience. Highly recommended!

I purchased this image based on a single photograph, but was astonished when I unpacked it because it was so much more detailed than the picture showed. This is one of the most exceptional images of Black Mahakala I have seen in person. There are so many little details, such as the tiny colored crystals set in His jewelry and costume. I am completely satisfied and exhilarated with my purchase, and will definitely continue to purchase from this seller.

This devotional statue of Shakyamuni Buddha is exceptional in every detail, and radiates with a spiritual grace and presence that makes it an ideal focal point for meditation practice and devotion. I am more than satisfied with the very high level of customer service I have received with this purchase, which was shipped very quickly and arrived safely. I will continue to purchase from this seller.🙏

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