Vintage Manjushree Sculpture With Wooden Throne Hand Painted with Muted Colors and Beautiful Snow Lions , Great for your Altar Or Any Room | Statues & Ritual Items | Ritual Thanka
Code: 62B

Vintage Manjushree Sculpture With Wooden Throne Hand Painted with Muted Colors and Beautiful Snow Lions , Great for your Altar Or Any Room

Size / Weight: 25.5x37.5 cms /


Free Shipping

  • Jun 27

  • Jun 29 - Jul 1

  • Jul 3 - Jul 5


Manjushri (Manjushree) Statue, Handcarved Sculpture

About Our Statue :

We have had this statue in our collection for over 25 years now. This statue was stored away for several years. We just very recently decided to showcase our vintage statue collection on platforms such as Etsy. We were thrilled to discover the quality and depth of these beautiful sculptures when we opened the boxes and decided to showcase them online for everyone. In early 2000 we changed our company name from J.B.Art Center to Ritual Thanka and focused primarily on collecting and selling thangka paintings. Due to Covid 19, we have had to change our business strategy and focus more on online platforms. We hope the aesthetics of these vintage statues brings a deep sense of happiness to your hearts.

Manjushri Bodhisattva Deity is gloriously sitting on the moon disc of a lotus with a tranquil and calm countenance in this finely hand-carved Sculpture. Our statue is composed entirely of oxidized copper.

Introduction To Manjushri :

Manjushri is the embodiment of all the buddhas' infinite wisdom. He was one of the eight chief disciples of Lord Shakyamuni who used to raise questions concerning the emptiness for the benefit of other listeners. His right-hand holds the sword of the wisdom of emptiness for destroying ignorance, the root cause of the suffering. His left-hand holds a lotus flower on which the book of transcendental wisdom is placed. He is adorned with rich and precious ornaments and a diadem.

Manjushri is referred to as the Wisdom Bodhisattva. He is the embodiment of knowledge as the path to enlightenment. Manjushri is associated with prajna in Mahayana Buddhism. In Northern Buddhism's Tantric literature, Manjushri is seen as a fully awakened Buddha, with multiple manifestations and appearances encompassing all four divisions of Tantra, simple and complex in form. Manjushri is represented as Peaceful, Semi-peaceful, Wrathful, and Animal Featured in the Eleven Figurative Forms.

How do take care of your statues?

Place them at room temperature, avoiding direct sunlight.
Make sure that the area where your statue is placed is completely free of moisture and dust.
Place it at the highest place on your altar after being consecrated by Lama/monks. The best practice is to keep them covered inside a glass cabinet.
Do not use your bare hands or any objects with a rough surface to wipe the face. Directly touching with the bare hand objects can smudge the face, leaving scratches.

Wooden Throne:

Height: 37.5cm
Width: 25.5cm
Weight:1.458 KG

Size: 21cm(Height) and 16cm(Base)
Weight: 1.390kg
Material: Oxidized Copper Body, Acrylic Paint
Additional Details
-We offer free shipping.
-Standard Courier Services DHL only
-4-10 business days for delivery
-All items are insured
Return Policy:
-Returns are accepted within 14 business days.
Ornaments Of Liberation!

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5 Reviews
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Thank you Ritual Thangka for your amazing work and wonderful warm communication. I'm very grateful for these beautiful pieces of artwork, and so proud to have the two Thangkas adorning my shrine room. They are both spectacular, but this Avalokitesvara (my favourite) is even more magnificent than I could have imagined! I'm also amazed that you got it to me so quickly and safely, despite the pandemic. Thank you!

So gorgeous and well made. A fine piece of work by the Thangka team - thank you.

Wow this Thangka is gorgeous. It is difficult shopping online and choosing brocade but the Thangka team were great And very patient with me. The quality of art work and sewing is incredible. I would recommend strongly that you buy from this shop as you could not do better! 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐘𝐨𝐮 to everyone who made it.

Beautiful, vibrant colors with highly detailed images

I really appreciated the communications with the good people at ritualthanka, they offered excellent customer service and helped me navigate this meaningful purchase. Further, the thangka itself is magnificent and placed on a perfectly suited brocade. I strongly recommend thangkas from ritualthanka, such a rare combination of quality and sincere customer service.

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